Champ's Barber School Catalog
The School Catalog can be found here at Champ's Barber School in Lancaster. It contains a wide variety of consumer information, including information relating to academic programs, facilities, courses, costs, financial aid, and institutional policies.
Our Catalog is essential, but we highlighted some of the important questions potential students have when learning out the school. Please take a look at the Admission's policy on page 6 to understand its entirety. To find our SAP Policy, which explains how to follow attendance rules, you can look on pages 16-17. Lastly, our Refund Policies can be found on pages 21-23.
For more information on our Lebanon Catalog, please visit our student resources tab for our 2021-2022 Lebanon School Catalog as these are different.
Attention Current Students and Prospect Students. Champ's Barber School has been approved to offer HEERF Grants to our students.
Champ's Barber School has signed and returned to the Department the Certification and Agreement and assures that the institution intends to use no less than 50 percent of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
Champ's Barber School HEERF Awarding Policy is as follows.
As of January 10, 2021, there are 25 students eligible to participate in Title IV-eligible programs. Of those students, 12 met the requirements to receive emergency grant funding. We notified all the eligible students that they qualified for the CARES Act funding under HEERF. Student eligibility can change if a student falls below (SAP) Satisfactory academic progress. We directed each eligible student to complete an acknowledgment form before we released the funds.
As of this memo's date, nine students acknowledged their understanding of the program, and we disbursed $23,632. This is the final Student Portion that was awarded, depleting this grant of $23,632. The Institutional Portion will be disbursed sometime this year but before March 2021. All Out of pocket students were also eligible to apply for this grant. Any questions, please contact the Financial Aid Department Directly.
$23,632 was awarded to Champ's Barber School to give institutional relief. As of March 30th, 2021, Champ's Barber School Depleated these funds.
HEERF Quarterly Reporting Documents:
As of December 31st, 2020, we distributed $23,632 (100%) of the student portion of our CARES Act allotment to 12 students.
- Quarterly Report for Institutional Portion Ending September 30th, 2020
- Quarterly Report for Institutional Portion Ending December 31st, 2020
- Final Quarterly Report for Institutional Portion Ending March 31st, 2021
As of March 31st, 2021, we distributed $23,631 (100%) of the Institutional Portion.
- Final Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting March 30th, 2021
- Final Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting June 30th, 2021
- Final Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting Sept 30th, 2021
Champ's Barber School Grant Closeout Letter
Additional Links and Resources

The names of the organizations that accredit, approve, or license each campus of Champ's Barber School and its programs are detailed in the current Campus Catalog for that location, along with contact information for each such organization.
NACCAS currently accredits, approves, and licenses Champ's Barber School. To learn more information about NACCAS, you can visit their website.
To contact NACCAS for any reason regarding Champ's Barber School (check the status of accreditation, file a complaint, request more information, etc.), you can contact NACCAS through their website as well as view their staff directory. You can also visit the website to fill out a complaint form, and it must be sent to the Executive Director of the Commission, and the complainant must sign it. Any further questions about this matter can be explained in detail through the NACCAS Rules and Procedures.
The College also will make available upon request a copy of each school's accreditation, licensure, or approval documentation. To request a copy of any such documentation, students should submit a written request to the appropriate Campus Director.
Withdrawal and Refund Policy
The withdrawal and refund policies for each school of Champ's Barber School are described in detail in each student's Enrollment Agreement, as well as in the Campus Catalog for each location. Additionally, the policy pursuant to which each school of Champ's Barber School returns federal financial aid is described in detail in the school's Campus Catalog. Campus Catalogs are available for each location in the Admissions office.
Questions relating to withdrawal and refund policies may be directed to the Campus Director. Please see pages 21-23 of the student catalog.

Constitution Day
Constitution Day commemorates the formation and signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine brave men on September 17, 1787, recognizing all born in the U.S. or who by naturalization have become citizens.
Each year on September 17, each school of Champ's Barber School celebrates Constitution Day through activities and educational programming. In the event September 17 falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday, Constitution Day activities are held during the preceding or the following week. Below we have provided links to Constitution Day resources available on the Internet.
Questions relating to Constitution Day may be directed to your Campus Director via email.
About the Signers | Charters of Freedom | Constitution Day, Inc. | Founding Fathers | The Constitution Game | Hi-Res Images | Independence Hall | Constitutional Initiative | Interactive Constitution | James Madison Papers | National Constitution Center | Ratification
Campus Safety and Security
Campus security and safety are essential issues in post-secondary education. In recognition of this fact and keeping with applicable federal requirements, each campus of Champ's Barber School publishes a campus safety and security report each year. This Report discloses information concerning campus safety and security policies and procedures and statistics regarding certain types of crimes reported to the campus and local law enforcement during the prior calendar year. Amongst other things, each Report includes policies and procedures relating to:

This Report thus provides students, prospective students, employees, and prospective employees with key information regarding the security of the campus and surrounding areas, and ultimately, creates a safer, more secure campus environment.
To Obtain a copy of Champ's Campus Safety and Security, please visit the Campus Safety and Security Search Engine and enter our school name (Champ's Barber School) and our location city of Lancaster. From there, you can print your copy of the Report. Or, to obtain a printout, you may request a copy from the Campus Director.