A Team That Helps You Succeed

Need Help with your Student Loans? Contact our Admissions Office today to see if you can be directed to the Financial Aid Department for Assistance and Resources!

Call In Today!

Barber Teacher or Barber Managers

Want to further your barber career and need help from your Alumni? Call the school today to ask the steps to take in getting another license from the state! We can assist you in all applications and forms to point you in the right direction on completing the Applications correctly the first time!

Our Staff

Need to get a hold of someone?

Financial Aid: kimmel.makayla@gmail.com

Admissions: info@champsbarberschool.com

Teachers: Call in to the specific location

Curriculum Portal


**Please Note the Lancaster Catalog and Lebanon Catalog are specific to each location. Lebanon follows all policies and procedures except Title IV, Federal Funding Policies. The Lebanon Catalog highlights the policies that are not implemented at the Lebanon School.

Have a specific question relating to your current schooling?

Please use the contact form if you are an existing student already and are looking for help or information in a specific area.


Have an idea for Champ's Barber School to implement over the next generation of Barbers? Please fill out our form here so that we can reflect on it!


Requested to submit a test or coursework through the portal and having issues? Please email kimmel.makayla@gmail.com and she will guide you to the right person to fix said issue!


Want to be on our Alumni Stories list? Fill out this form here to leave your rating of Champ's Barber School.

Get In Touch

We would love to hear from you!

Lancaster Location: (717) 394-0422

Lebanon Location: (717) 277-5037

York Location: (717) 490-6175

Email: info@champsbarberschool.com