Barber School
in Lancaster, PA
Champ's Barber School is an excellent place for students who want to start their career as barbers to respect our vocation's historical lineage and learn new skills with continuing education. We are building community-minded entrepreneurs looking for an alternative career in the barber industry.
Only Barber School in Lebanon, PA
In 2021, Champ's Barber School opened its doors to students in the Lebanon County area. After branching out from Lancaster County, Champ's Barber School now offers Financial Aid (available to those who qualify) to assist in affording your Barber Education.

Barber School in East York, PA
In 2023, Champ's Barber School opened its doors to students in East York. Our program offers comprehensive training for the next generation of Barbers. Our York Campus offers courses to equip students with the knowledge to thrive in the competitive barber environments, post-graduation. Take the next steps to secure a brighter future and speak with an admissions member, today!